Just like how women body undergoes hormonal changes, men do experinece hormonal imbalances. Men have a major hormone called testosterone which is the hormone that plays a key role in masculine growth and development during puberty. It's been said that testosterone is a sex hormone, but the fact is testosterone is not just a sex hormone. There is an important research being published to demonstrate that testosterone may have key actions on metabolism, on the vasculature, and on brain function, in addition to its well-known effects on bone and body composition, emotional health.
- Deficiency in testosterone – a critical hormone for sexual, cognitive, and body function and development. Clinically low testosterone levels can lead to the absence of secondary sex characteristics, infertility, muscle wasting, and other abnormalities. Low testosterone levels may be due to testicular, hypothalamic, or pituitary abnormalities.
- In modern age, low testosterone are mostly due to lifestyle choices like alcohol, smoke, vape, unhealthy eating habits, irregular sleep, stress factors
- The pubertal effects include enlargement of the sebaceous glands, penis enlargement, increased libido, increased frequency of erections, increased muscle mass, deepening of the voice, increased height, bone maturations, loss of scalp hair, and growth of facial, chest, leg, and axillary hair. Even as adults, the effects of testosterone are visible as libido, penile erections, aggression, and mental and physical energy. We can recover from low/high testosterone if it primarily due to lifestyle disorder after ruling out that there are no secondary abnormalities like inheritance, chromosomal defect ts, undescended testicle damage or injury to testicles, abnormal development of the hypothalamus, OR hypogonadism.
- Rule out Hypogonadism for a clear understanding about the abnormal levels of testosterone